A variety of other organizations provide resources for people seeking access to public information.
National Freedom of Information Coalition
Founded in 1989, the National Freedom of Information Coalition a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of state and regional affiliates representing most states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. Through its programs and services and national member network, NFOIC promotes press freedom, legislative and administrative reforms and litigation to ensure open, transparent and accessible state and local governments and public institutions.
Student Press Law Center
Founded in 1974, the Student Press Law Center is an independent, non-partisan 501c(3) which works to promote, support and defend the First Amendment and press freedom rights of high school and college journalists and their advisers. The Washington, D.C.-based organization has a variety of open government resources, including a public records letter generator.
Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. The committee’s Open Government Guide includes an overview of public information laws in all 50 states and it publishes a FOI Wiki with information about the federal public records law.
Sunshine Week
A national initiative launched by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, News Leaders Association (formerly the American Society of News Editors) and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. It is held in March.
Society of Professional Journalists
SPJ’s FOI Committee advocates for access to public information across the country and is a resource for journalists.The organization has developed a FOI guide for professionals and for students. SPJ also operates its Legal Defense Fund to aid journalists in defending the freedom of speech and the press guaranteed by the First Amendment. SPJ has two professional chapters in Michigan, which each hold a seat on MiCOG’s board.
- Society of Professional Journalists Detroit Chapter
- Society of Professional Journalists Mid-Michigan Pro Chapter
State of Michigan Attorney General
Michigan’s attorney general provides a variety of resources on Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act.
Michigan Press Association
The Michigan Press Association was established in 1868 and now promotes press freedom through its public policy work, “ease of use” advertising placement, professional development programs and legal hotlines. The association advocates for open government issues, has resources about Michigan’s open government laws and hosts events to provide training about public information issues.