Kudos to the editor and publisher of the Monroe Evening News for editorially supporting HB 4001 currently stalled in the Senate Government Operations Committee, chaired by Republican Senator Randy Richardville, the Majority Leader and Monroe’s elected state senator.
The editorial, “Michigan’s FOIA Needs More Work” challenged the term limited Sen. Richardville “to demonstrate his leadership skills by moving it (HB 4001) forward. The editorial also noted that Monroe State Representative, Democrat Bill LaVoy, was one of only eight House members to oppose the bill which passed with a super-majority of 108 votes.
We agree, as the editorial stated: “Michigan legislators need to walk the talk if they truly believe in transparency in government.”
Join the push to have HB 4001, the freedom of information reform bill, approved by the Senate and signed into law so the citizens of Michigan can have better, cheaper transparency in their local and state governments and school districts. Call or email your state senator.